Originalversionen av riaa steget Black Cube blev Lehman Audios största bästsäljare genom tiderna. Nu introducerar man Black Cube 2006, en förbättrad version av den gamla succén!
Lehman Audio har designat ett helt nytt Audio kretskort för Black Cube 2006. Man har bland annat gjort följande förbättringar:
-All MKS capacitors (passive RIAA-filter and output) are replaced by MKPs which have only a fraction of the loss inherent with MKS caps.
-New input stages, chosen for their plus of transparency and airiness.
-Chokes in the power supply lines of the audio section for even cleaner supply voltages
-Dual mono outputstages
-With a High Gain jumper the Black Cube can be better optimized for mid-output MCs.
-The new, higher maximum gain of up to 66dB optimizes the handling of cartridges with a very low output level.
-An additional hard wire slot supplies even more possibilities for special impedances and custom loads.
-A soft Soft-Bass-Rolloff jumper (6dB/Oct. @ 60Hz) protects woofers.
-DC Jumper to bridge MKP output capacitors (caution: use only if the following input stage has a DC-Filter!)
-detachable power supply with Neutrik XLR connectors even at the Black Cube standard for easier upgrade to the Black Cube SE without soldering.